Architectural-inspired open-space furniture system. A set of modules create in the space a grid which has the kitchen as centre of the social interactions.

New office spaces are growing in our cities exploiting old factories where once the engine of our economies was based. Now they become the nest for contemporary service production. This urban development tendency is represented in the construction of this set furniture modules, by using straightforward orthographic geometries which revive the structural frame of modern buildings. Affordability, simplicity and scalability are the three key points driving the project.

The wireframe-looking structure is layouts the structure by using 22 mm standard square profiles. A total of 6 different lengths and a set of connections-holes strategically placed are part of the logic underneath this system. All the assembly is based on screw-inserts since the idea of temporarily and nomadism is latent all around this concept.

“There is a straightforward inspiration on construction-games with which I have grown surrounded by. In addition I consider relevant as approach in design to use basic industrial component. To design using the range of simple element a merger them in the right proportions, like the ingredients with the right proportion on a recipe.”